Despite the many dark and confusing scary stories told about the images of Revelation, there is nothing frightening or scary written in that wonderful book. There are no horror stories at all. It was written to bless and is unmistakably a book of blessings.
Blessed are those who read and understand what is written. Rev.1:3
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, penned by the Apostle John, and known for centuries as the Book of Revelation, is a story of love. God loved the world so much he sent Jesus to demonstrate and proclaim his great love in a way we would be able to understand.
Everything Christ did showed God's love for us. He taught love. He commanded love. He lived and died for love. His testimony cannot be about anything else but love.
All the symbols, visions and mysteries of Revelation are given to comfort and bless Christ's redeemed and remind us that no matter how difficult things may become in this world or how many obstacles Christ's enemy may lay before us, our triumpant Saviour will deliver us from all the devil's schemes and take us safely to his eternal kingdom as he so lovingly promised.
Before mankind was created, the final judgments for sin had already been written by God into a holy scroll and sealed with seven seals. No one in Heaven or on Earth knew the secret knowledge hidden behind those unbreakable seals. Not Satan nor any other angel, elder, patriarch, or prophet (including Daniel) knew what was written in God's sealed scroll.
We speak of the mysterious and hidden wisdom of God, which He destined for our glory before time began. None of the rulers of this age understood it. For if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 1 Cor.2:7-8
Christ had to be born a man, endure Calvary, be raised from the dead, crowned King of kings, and made ruler over all the nations before he was regarded 'worthy' to open that ancient sealed scroll.
And when he began to open it, what was about to be revealed was so new and so profound there was silence in Heaven for half an hour Rev. 8:1. For the first time in Heaven's history, all praise for God ceased as everyone held their breath. The anticipation was overwhelming!
Christ was about to reveal what no eye had seen or ear had heard since the foundation of the world. And what Christ revealed was the amazing love of God that sent him into the world to redeem us from the sin we would inevitably fall into.
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Cor.2:9
The magnificent images of Revelation are not about Satan, they reveal how God, Christ and their seven invincible Spirits have worked together from the beginning of time to redeem the world from the deceptions of Satan.
When all the protective layers of mystery and symbolism are peeled back, the blinding glory and power of God's rescue mission is more than breathtaking - it is mind-blowing!
There is nothing hidden or concealed that will not be brought out into the open. Luke 8:17
REVELATION Ancient & Mysterious was written over many years by Monica Bennett-Ryan.
The stunning cover on this book was crafted with great care by Donika Mishineva of Bulgaria. She said, "I have made the leather look old and worn, as if it has been through many hands. The embossing gives the impression of royalty while the golden lock hints at something of great value. The peeled back area shows that the secrets, symbols and visions inside can not be constrained but have a life of their own." Her design is perfect!
The HARDCOVER makes a quality gift and would grace any coffee table.
The PAPERBACK is as deep and rich as the hardcover.
The EBOOK is only available through Amazon Kindle.